
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Don't tell anyone but I have missed you

Wow, its been a whole week since I have ran.  I actually miss it.  The weeks before I was so busy with boot camp the only running I was doing was sprints.  But don't worry I paid for it this morning!  I wanted to participate in a Summer Virtual 5k.  Today was the last day to do it.  I know, procrastinator.  I mapped out 3.1 miles around my neighborhood and went out this morning.  For the first mile and a half my legs were itching so bad they hurt.  I wanted to just call it quits and head home but I kept going.  By mile two the itching was completely gone.  I used my training for this 5k.  Here was today's schedule:

Walk 3:40 minutes
Run 1:10 seconds
Repeat 9 times

Due to time I used the first and last 3:40 as my warm up.  By interval 8 I felt nauseous.  That will teach me to not do anything physical for a week!  I finished in 48:32 minutes   I was a little disappointed with the time.  My first 5k was a few minutes better than that.  I think I do better in races and running groups because I have more pressure to keep up.  

Even with the itching and the nausea I still felt really good afterwards.  Morning time is definitely winning the battle.  Here are my before and after pics.  Can you tell I worked hard?

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Day...? Still going!

I lost track of my days.  I finished boot camp yesterday.  A total of 8 sessions for me. There was a ton of squats, burpees and sprints.  Plus some other cool exercises.  Overall it was pretty fun.  I'm bummed to be done but excited to get back on my running schedule.

I left off at the end of week 3.  I picked that up last night.  I met up with a Moms Running Group, East Orlando, Moms Run This Town.  I almost called in sick but thanks to my friend Kayla I got my butt up and out after work.  These women are great.  We started off running around Lake Baldwin.  There were all different paces.  Then we went to a Mexican Restaurant for food and cocktails.  I stuck with water :)  I am looking forward to doing more runs with these ladies!

I was hoping the boot camp would suffice so I did not lose any progress.  Last night the running intervals felt pretty hard but my pace was faster than before.  So the boot camp must have helped in some way.  Next week I will pick up with my 3 days a week schedule.  Week 4!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Day 23 - Joggermom Marathon

How cool is this!  "The Virtual Joggermom Cancer Run…it’s not just a 26.2 mile race, it is an adventure!  How fun will this be to run and compete with other Moms all over the US virtually?!? We will be signing up Moms from July 15th thru October 15th to participate in our Virtual Joggermom Cancer Run. On October 1st the race begins. Participating Moms can start recording mileage until they complete a total of 26.2 miles by October 31st."

The cost is $11.54 until August 15, 2013.  10% of your entry will go to the National Breast Cancer Foundation. Here is what you get with your entry:

  • Weekly newsletters about popular running topics
  • Discounts from our sponsors
  • Weekly play list to keep you moving
  • Great place to hang out with like minded Mom’s
  • Real medals (no more virtual ones this time) to all finishers
  • $10 Credit to buy any item(s) at
  • Weekly T-shirt & bag giveaways (register early for best chances of winning)
  • The prizes, the prizes, the prizes….
A marathon is not on my list of goals but how about a marathon over the course of a month... I can do that.  I just signed up!  Who is interested? Here is a picture of the medal.

P.S. You do not have to be a mom :)

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Day 21 - Hiking on Occoneechee Mountain

Okay so I did not have an opportunity to run this weekend.  I will have pick up where I left off next week.  However, I did get to go on an awesome hike up Occoneechee Mountain.  All together it was a little over two miles.  We did it in an hour and 47 minutes which isn't bad considering we had a two year old in tow.  Trust me, I got my workout.  Here is some pictures from the hike.










Friday, July 12, 2013

Day 19 - Round 2 (Are you kidding! More Squats!)

Went to boot camp again this morning. Every day is a whole new set of exercises.  I liked some of the exercises better today.  They had this bar with a rubber rope.  You stepped on the rope and brought the bar to your chin. Then, you did squats.  Yea I know, more squats.  But the resistance of the rope actually helps with foam.  At the start of the 30 minutes the trainer yelled at "3rd Pole". That means run out back to the end of the parking lot and back.  I thought great, at least we get the running done while I'm not exhausted.... Boy was I wrong.  One of the exercises entitled running. X3! And then we did the pole another time or two, I lost count.

 I am so tempted to count that for my third day of running. But I'm not going to. I want to be strict with the plan. I'm going out of town this weekend.  So sometime between now and Sunday I have to run my 3rd time for this week. I'm hoping to find an hour in the hotel to do that.  The schedule is

Warm Up 5:00 minutes
Run 1:00 minute
Walk 4:00 minutes
Repeat 8 times
Cool Down 5:00 minutes

Same as Wednesday's run.  Have a great weekend guys! I'll try to post after I complete my run.


Thursday, July 11, 2013

Day 18 - Fit Body Boot Camp

Today was a non running day.  I signed up for a 14 day Boot Camp with a friend and we decided to start it today.  Let me tell you it kicked my butt.  The class was only 30 minutes but thank god because had it been longer I may have had to call in sick.  Okay I'll admit it was fun, and indoors!  It was a relatively small class. There were 4 stations set up with 2 exercises in each.  You would pick a station and then switch between the 2 exercises as time was called for a total of 3 times.  In between the stations was a quick cardio activity.  Today's focus appeared to be squats.  But not just any squats.  It was like 4 different versions of squats on steroids.  Even the breaks in between had squats.  I am squatted out!

At one point everyone proceeded out the back door and started running.  I guess I missed the trainer announcing that one because I had no idea where they were going.  All I could think was oh god can I run right now.  It was down the parking lot and back.  I made it running but I don't think I could call it a sprint.  I was the last one to finish.  However in my defense I was also the last one out the door.

I have to get my monies worth so it's me and crazy camp boot camp for the next 14 days.

Here is the website if you are interested in trying it out.  They have a couple deals on groupon still

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Day 17 - How much water do you drink each day?

I was so close to sleeping in today.  I had already turned off the alarm and reset it for later.   But as I laid there I knew I was not going to run after work.  It was 7am and already 75 degrees.  Just imagine 7pm.  So I did it, I dragged myself out of bed and went out.  It feels really good to have that done for the day.  Today's schedule had 1 minute less of running.  It was 8 intervals instead of 9.

Warm Up 5:00 minutes
Run 1:00 minute
Walk 4:00 minutes
Repeat 8 times
Cool Down 5:00 minutes

I was reading last night and had a true lol moment.  "We've all been there.  The I'm determined to be a G.I. Joe mindset.  We're unstoppable   Unbeatable.  Invinci... is that pizza?" That is totally me!  

Running alone is not going to make my goals happen.  I know there are some other changes that need to be made.  In attempt to not overwhelm myself  I am going to focus on mastering one healthy habit per week.  Of course my first choice relates to running.  I am going to work on drinking more water every day.  I am not sure how much yet.  There is of course the common known rule:  8 glasses per day.

But then I read in other places you shouldn't drink too much.  You should drink so many ounces per your weight... So I am left wondering... How much water should I be drinking every day?

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Day 16 - Rest Day

Today is my rest day. I'm glad because I need it. I had a rough day.  

In case your wondering I took my run indoors last night. It was still over 80 degrees after 7 so running outside was not an option.  My pace was pretty slow.  I've been feeling sluggish for the last week. I hope that passes soon.  

I have a list of 5ks this year.  They are so much fun.  They are helping to keep me motivated.  In a few weeks I am participating in the Splash and Dash.  


Summertime in Florida is hot - not kinda hot, not sorta hot, but hot as… well, you know. We can hide inside all summer or we can find fun ways to cool off - run through a sprinkler, get sprayed by a hose, get pegged by a water balloon, have a squirt gun battle or pour a bucket of ice down our pants… whatever floats your boat. "

Registration comes with a squirt gun, 20 water balloons, and of course a t-shirt.  Admit it, that sounds like a blast.  
I had no idea what a fun run was till recently.  You have bubble runs, foam runs, color runs, glow runs, etc.  If that doesn't make you want to run I don't know what will. 

What's your favorite "fun run"?

Monday, July 8, 2013

Week 3 - Day 15

Today starts Week 3.  Each day is a little different.  Here is today's schedule.

Warm Up 5:00 minutes
Run 1:00 minute
Walk 4:00 minutes
Repeat 9 times
Cool Down 5:00 minutes

I did not want to get up this morning.  I gotta wonder do these long weekends do more harm than good. I plan on running after work today.  I think after 7 it should be cool enough.  If you ever want to check up on me on my home page you will see a training widget. After every run, walk etc I post what I have done.  

A couple things I learned the last two weeks:
1.  It is a good idea to keep a spare pair of headphones in the car
2.  Music and GPS use a lot of battery, charge your phone before going out for a run
3.  Slow Down by Bobby Valentino is probably not the best song to run with
4.  Sun glasses or a hat are a must 

I found this video this morning.  If you ever need some motivation it is a good one to watch. 

Video - Running Motivation

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Day 13 - Can anyone be a runner?

Sorry I am posting this a day late.  I wrote it and then forgot to published. 

That very question was what started my search for beginner runner blogs.  Today was a tough day. I went out this morning but not until 10:30am. I think my 30 second running intervals were as slow as, if not slowest, than my walking intervals. It felt really hard to run.  I have to admit I am a bit discourage. What do you guys think? Can anyone be a runner?

One positive, even though it was hot, the sky was beautiful. 

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Day 11 - Rest Day

I've been at it for 10 days straight. My calf muscles fill a little tight this morning. I'm taking a rest day today with some stretching thrown in.  Happy 4th of July!


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Day 10 - Running Side Effects

Ran/Walked again this morning.  It was not a nice breezy morning like Monday.  It felt a little harder to run but I am blaming that on being tired and not exactly waking up in the best mood.  I made it through it though.

This last two weeks I have been experiencing some "running side effects".  The first one, which I have experienced many times before is that itching feeling all over while running.  And scratching does not help!  Well here is the explanation I found

"Inside of our bodies are major blood vessels and additionally smaller blood vessels called capillaries.  There are millions of these tiny passage ways in our muscles and bodies.  When we are too busy or lazy to hit the gym these capillaries collapse and there is a decrease in blood flow. When we get ourselves moving again and get to the gym or out for a run these capillaries begin to expand because of our rapid heart beat and faster blood flow.  As these capillaries begin to expand it causes nearby nerves to send signals to the brain.  Our brain interprets these signals as the need to itch. "

Bad news. It happens because I am out of shape.  Good news.  It will get better.

The second side effect I've had is new to me.  It actually started last week when I was walking.  I was almost home and for some reason or other I closed my fist.  When I did my fingers felt huge.  As a test I attempted to take a ring off and that confirmed it, my hands were swollen.

There seem to be a few explanations about this but I'm leaning toward the one where I probably have too much sodium and need to drink more water.

I am learning as I go.  What are some of the side effects you have experienced while running?

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Day 9 - The Bigger Picture

Today was a cross training day for me.  I decided to take a Zumba class.  There was one in the park close to my house so after work I grabbed Eli and her and I headed over.  It was a lot of fun.  I've done Zumba once and twice before but a long time ago.  I felt like a monkey during some of the songs. Regardless I can tell it was a good workout!


I'm thinking it is a good time to share my bigger picture plan with you all.  As you know, I am using a 13 week walk to run program.  After that I have chosen a 10k training plan. (I'll share that with you later).  To keep me motivated during the next several months I am signing up for a 10k in early December.  That is what the counter on my home page is counting down too.

It doesn't stop there.  Next comes a half marathon!  I am signing up for Disney's Princess Half Marathon.

I am looking forward to these races.  Both will be major milestones for me.  After that, only time will tell! 

Monday, July 1, 2013

Week 2 - Day 8

The real start is today!  Here is the scheduled for Week 2.

Warm Up 5:00 minutes
Run 0:30 seconds
Walk 4:30 minutes
Repeat 6 times
Cool Down 5:00 minutes

It is the same schedule for 3 days of my choice.

I decided to start the week off right.  I got up at 7am and went out.  I had to laugh at myself.  While I am warming up I was giving myself pep talks.  First I said to myself, 30 seconds is not long at all.  Then I said 30 seconds times 7, that is only 3 and a half minutes.  I can do that.  Each time I ran the time was over before I knew it.  I am looking forward to my progression.  The schedule is not intimidating which makes it easy to continue.

Today was a good walking morning.  Not too hot, not too cold.  There was a nice breeze.  It was cloudy but every so often the sun would shine through.  Definitely a good way to start the week!