
Friday, July 12, 2013

Day 19 - Round 2 (Are you kidding! More Squats!)

Went to boot camp again this morning. Every day is a whole new set of exercises.  I liked some of the exercises better today.  They had this bar with a rubber rope.  You stepped on the rope and brought the bar to your chin. Then, you did squats.  Yea I know, more squats.  But the resistance of the rope actually helps with foam.  At the start of the 30 minutes the trainer yelled at "3rd Pole". That means run out back to the end of the parking lot and back.  I thought great, at least we get the running done while I'm not exhausted.... Boy was I wrong.  One of the exercises entitled running. X3! And then we did the pole another time or two, I lost count.

 I am so tempted to count that for my third day of running. But I'm not going to. I want to be strict with the plan. I'm going out of town this weekend.  So sometime between now and Sunday I have to run my 3rd time for this week. I'm hoping to find an hour in the hotel to do that.  The schedule is

Warm Up 5:00 minutes
Run 1:00 minute
Walk 4:00 minutes
Repeat 8 times
Cool Down 5:00 minutes

Same as Wednesday's run.  Have a great weekend guys! I'll try to post after I complete my run.


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