
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Day 17 - How much water do you drink each day?

I was so close to sleeping in today.  I had already turned off the alarm and reset it for later.   But as I laid there I knew I was not going to run after work.  It was 7am and already 75 degrees.  Just imagine 7pm.  So I did it, I dragged myself out of bed and went out.  It feels really good to have that done for the day.  Today's schedule had 1 minute less of running.  It was 8 intervals instead of 9.

Warm Up 5:00 minutes
Run 1:00 minute
Walk 4:00 minutes
Repeat 8 times
Cool Down 5:00 minutes

I was reading last night and had a true lol moment.  "We've all been there.  The I'm determined to be a G.I. Joe mindset.  We're unstoppable   Unbeatable.  Invinci... is that pizza?" That is totally me!  

Running alone is not going to make my goals happen.  I know there are some other changes that need to be made.  In attempt to not overwhelm myself  I am going to focus on mastering one healthy habit per week.  Of course my first choice relates to running.  I am going to work on drinking more water every day.  I am not sure how much yet.  There is of course the common known rule:  8 glasses per day.

But then I read in other places you shouldn't drink too much.  You should drink so many ounces per your weight... So I am left wondering... How much water should I be drinking every day?

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