
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Day 10 - Running Side Effects

Ran/Walked again this morning.  It was not a nice breezy morning like Monday.  It felt a little harder to run but I am blaming that on being tired and not exactly waking up in the best mood.  I made it through it though.

This last two weeks I have been experiencing some "running side effects".  The first one, which I have experienced many times before is that itching feeling all over while running.  And scratching does not help!  Well here is the explanation I found

"Inside of our bodies are major blood vessels and additionally smaller blood vessels called capillaries.  There are millions of these tiny passage ways in our muscles and bodies.  When we are too busy or lazy to hit the gym these capillaries collapse and there is a decrease in blood flow. When we get ourselves moving again and get to the gym or out for a run these capillaries begin to expand because of our rapid heart beat and faster blood flow.  As these capillaries begin to expand it causes nearby nerves to send signals to the brain.  Our brain interprets these signals as the need to itch. "

Bad news. It happens because I am out of shape.  Good news.  It will get better.

The second side effect I've had is new to me.  It actually started last week when I was walking.  I was almost home and for some reason or other I closed my fist.  When I did my fingers felt huge.  As a test I attempted to take a ring off and that confirmed it, my hands were swollen.

There seem to be a few explanations about this but I'm leaning toward the one where I probably have too much sodium and need to drink more water.

I am learning as I go.  What are some of the side effects you have experienced while running?


  1. My hands swell too sometimes. I also start to feel cramping or pain in both or one of my calves. I'm guessing it's because I don't drink enough water.

  2. Wow I'm so glad you put that itchy explanation on here! My husband deals with that often when we work out. So now we know!
