
Monday, July 8, 2013

Week 3 - Day 15

Today starts Week 3.  Each day is a little different.  Here is today's schedule.

Warm Up 5:00 minutes
Run 1:00 minute
Walk 4:00 minutes
Repeat 9 times
Cool Down 5:00 minutes

I did not want to get up this morning.  I gotta wonder do these long weekends do more harm than good. I plan on running after work today.  I think after 7 it should be cool enough.  If you ever want to check up on me on my home page you will see a training widget. After every run, walk etc I post what I have done.  

A couple things I learned the last two weeks:
1.  It is a good idea to keep a spare pair of headphones in the car
2.  Music and GPS use a lot of battery, charge your phone before going out for a run
3.  Slow Down by Bobby Valentino is probably not the best song to run with
4.  Sun glasses or a hat are a must 

I found this video this morning.  If you ever need some motivation it is a good one to watch. 

Video - Running Motivation


  1. " I gotta wonder do these long weekends do more harm than good" My co worker just used this exact phrase this morning. I feel like crap right now and I didn't work out yesterday either. I bet its so hard to do all that in the hot weather down there.

    1. For real! Maybe its true then. I usually have no schedule on weekends and days off, makes it hard to do anything. I bet it will be nice running here in the winter.
