
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Day 16 - Rest Day

Today is my rest day. I'm glad because I need it. I had a rough day.  

In case your wondering I took my run indoors last night. It was still over 80 degrees after 7 so running outside was not an option.  My pace was pretty slow.  I've been feeling sluggish for the last week. I hope that passes soon.  

I have a list of 5ks this year.  They are so much fun.  They are helping to keep me motivated.  In a few weeks I am participating in the Splash and Dash.  


Summertime in Florida is hot - not kinda hot, not sorta hot, but hot as… well, you know. We can hide inside all summer or we can find fun ways to cool off - run through a sprinkler, get sprayed by a hose, get pegged by a water balloon, have a squirt gun battle or pour a bucket of ice down our pants… whatever floats your boat. "

Registration comes with a squirt gun, 20 water balloons, and of course a t-shirt.  Admit it, that sounds like a blast.  
I had no idea what a fun run was till recently.  You have bubble runs, foam runs, color runs, glow runs, etc.  If that doesn't make you want to run I don't know what will. 

What's your favorite "fun run"?

1 comment:

  1. I'm hoping to do my first 5k this October which will be one of the color runs! What was your first 5k? Was it hard? Were you able to run the whole thing? I'm so nervous about doing one!
