Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Don't tell anyone but I have missed you
Wow, its been a whole week since I have ran. I actually miss it. The weeks before I was so busy with boot camp the only running I was doing was sprints. But don't worry I paid for it this morning! I wanted to participate in a Summer Virtual 5k. Today was the last day to do it. I know, procrastinator. I mapped out 3.1 miles around my neighborhood and went out this morning. For the first mile and a half my legs were itching so bad they hurt. I wanted to just call it quits and head home but I kept going. By mile two the itching was completely gone. I used my training for this 5k. Here was today's schedule:
Walk 3:40 minutes
Run 1:10 seconds
Repeat 9 times
Due to time I used the first and last 3:40 as my warm up. By interval 8 I felt nauseous. That will teach me to not do anything physical for a week! I finished in 48:32 minutes I was a little disappointed with the time. My first 5k was a few minutes better than that. I think I do better in races and running groups because I have more pressure to keep up.
Even with the itching and the nausea I still felt really good afterwards. Morning time is definitely winning the battle. Here are my before and after pics. Can you tell I worked hard?
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