Happy Thanksgiving
Thursday, November 28, 2013
I'm curious... Who is running today!? - And no I don't mean through the shopping malls :)
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
What type of runner are you?
Starting week 9 again. The schedule is run 3 minutes, walk 3 minutes. I was able to run with my friend Monica yesterday. I have forgotten how much it helps to have someone to run with. I am now able to run half of the path around Lake Eola. God willing in a few weeks I will be running the whole lake.
I ran across this article this morning, "Running Benefits: Running for Weight Loss". One section in particular caught my interest.
Those who run in an almost trance-like manner, switching off, putting their troubles and the daily grind behind them (when else can you do that?). They simply place one foot in front the other and shut everything else out, simply feeling the rhythm of their movements. Then, there are those who see things clearer, chew over and solve problems, achieve clarity and transparency and find motivation in events of their life to run faster, harder, stronger. You won’t know what type of runner you are until you start running. Whichever group you fall into, you will finish with a feeling of liberation, catharsis and accomplishment. While it doesn’t happen after the first run, by the second or third week you’ll get of taste of it."
I think I am the second type - the one who cogitates over life's problems. What type of runner are you?
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Stop. Rewind. Now Go.
Wow this last month and a half has flown by. I cannot believe I have not been writing. I am making a point to try harder to keep up because this blog is sometimes what keeps me going.
Weeks ago I stopped following my training plan. I was still running but tryin to progress at my own pace. That didn't work to well for me. I think I need the specific plan to follow. So I am going back to where I left off. Running as been hard lately so I decided to go back 1 extra week. I am restarting at week 8. Not as bad a I thought, I felt like I would be going back to week 3.
Running plans seem to get intimidating when you get into the higher weeks. The running time makes dramatic jumps. The plan I go jumps from 5 to 10 to 25 mins in a matter of 3 weeks. But maybe at that point it becomes easy. I am not sure though. I will let you know. I have one more run this week to complete week 8. I plan to do that Friday. It's 2:30 on, 2:30 off.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Rocks, Pebbles and Sand
Worst day at work ever. I was on my feet till 2pm. FYI I have sedentary job. Makes no sense! My plan was to run at Lake Eola after work. But by 2pm my feet hurt along with my lower back. And on top of that I was behind and looking at staying late at work. Which would mean no time for running.
As the day went on I knew I could not give up that easy. So I came up with a plan, I would head home right after work, put food In the crock pot, and then run around the neighborhood before picking up the kids.
Again as time creep up I started thinking about everything that needed to be done. By the time I got home it was almost 6. I knew I could not do what I needed to do and still run. So I gave in, again. Then, I got a call from my kids dad saying he would bring them home and it would be a little bit later than the time I would pick them up. That was my chance, I was going to run now or never. I won't lie, the thought went through my head to skip the run and get things done at home. Two months ago I would have skipped it. But the thought of letting my first planned Jogger Mom run go by undone was enough to get me out.
Turns out, even with the bad day, I had a great run. I ran 3 minute intervals with 2 minute walking in between. And I even ran a few extra minutes at the end.
Not bad for pace! Every once in a while my boss reminds me of this story. You have a jar along with rocks pebbles and sand. The rocks represent what is important to you. The pebbles are a step down and the sand a step down front that. If you put the sand or pebbles in first you will not have room for the rocks. However, if you put the rocks, then pebbles, then sand in, you will have room for all. For me, running has to be one of those rocks.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
It's October, time for Jogger Mom
A while back I posted about a virtual marathon I am participating in. It's called Joggermom. Basically, you have the whole month of October to run a marathon. Now, I am not sure if I will ever run a marathon, but a virtual one, broken up, that's doable.
They even include a medal!
In the reminder email the lady joked about some who will run the marathon the last week of October. I am determined not to be one of those. So, I calendered 26.2 miles of runs. Races count. I plan to run more but this way at least I know I have the minimum. I put the runs on my race calendered just to have that extra accountability.
Monday, September 30, 2013
Healthy Habits
A lot of my goals have the do with running, however some of them are geared towards losing weight. Since I started running I have gained weight. And no I am sure it's not muscle, I haven't been lifting weights. I knew I was going to need another focus for the diet side. I have been thinking about weight watchers for months. I finally decided to sign up. I got a good deal, buy 1 month get 1 free. I tried online years ago and it didn't work well for me. I need the accountability. Anyway, I'm on week 2. The first week I lost a grand total of .2 lbs. Disappointing right. But this week I lost 2.8. I am very happy with that.
Today's meeting was about healthy habits. Did you know that idea that it takes 21 days to make a habit is actually a myth. It can take anywhere from 18 to 254. I guess perseverance is the key. I can make a huge list of habits I would like to create. But I know the key is starting little. So I am going to work on two habits. The first, write everything I eat down. Part of the reason online weight watchers didn't work for me was the fact that I cheated. I know, it's true. Second, I want to run four days a week. This is a little tougher because my available running time has minimized, but I am determined to figure something out.
What are some healthy habits you would like to start?
Thursday, September 26, 2013
It keeps getting better!
I'm finally getting my schedule were I want it. I was able to run today and yesterday after work. Yesterday I ran at Lake Eola. Good news. I'm improving and I can tell! Last time I ran at Lake Eola I had a hard time running half a curve. Yesterday I was able to run the whole curve each time. It feels good to see the accomplishment.
On another note, I get to cross something off my list. Last weekend I volunteered at Miracle Miles. My running group had a water stop for the 5k runners. It was both inspiring and fun. After they were done we got to cheer on the 15 runners. First time I ever saw the end of a race. It's very motivating. I can't wait to do it again.
Monday, September 23, 2013
A big accomplishment... For me!
I have something exciting to share. I ran my first 5 minute interval outside. It doesn't sound like much but for me it was amazing. And here's the funny part. What kept me going was the fact that I could write about it on this blog. I've only ran 5 mins one other time and it was a few years ago on a treadmill. Thank you to Tiffany and Kayla for running it with me!
A few months ago I joined a running group for moms. Best group of ladies ever. A few weeks ago the group created a beginner runners group. We call it the "Dream Team". Perfect for me, must be fate. Anyway, I have been trying to get out with them more. They are using the couch to 5k program. It's different from my program but once you get into the higher weeks the difference is minimal. I'm not going to lie, the 5 minutes was tough. But when your running next to someone that is in the same boat it sure does help.
On another note, It's been a rough few weeks. But I am ready to jump back into things. Two things I've learned over the last few weeks. 1. I have got to scheduled my runs, in writing and 2. Three days a week probably isn't enough, for me.
I have so much more to share with you guys, stay tuned!
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Hi, my name is Patricia and I am a soda addict
Anyone who knows me knows I love Coke. At times I am sure I would trade a coke for a meal. Everyone is always telling me to give it up but I have just not been motivated to do so. Well now that I am running and trying to lose weight I know its time. Up until now I have been researching other options with no success. Nothing just seems to satisfy that craving. Back during Bootcamp I confessed my shortfall to one of the trainers. She suggested trying Seltzer water and Stevia. I went out and bought some right away. However it took me a few weeks to get the guts to try it. To my surprise it was not bad at all. I think I may be able to work with this. I started thinking of different concoctions and this is what I decided on this morning.
You know that strawberry flavored soda. That is what it taste like. And the great thing about it are there are so many brands and flavors of "drops" to try. I personally like the dasani drops. I started off with the Mio but came to realize I do not like the taste too much. Dasani has 6 flavors in all, newly added pomegranate and grape. I have only tried 2 so far but the pineapple coconut is very good.
You know that strawberry flavored soda. That is what it taste like. And the great thing about it are there are so many brands and flavors of "drops" to try. I personally like the dasani drops. I started off with the Mio but came to realize I do not like the taste too much. Dasani has 6 flavors in all, newly added pomegranate and grape. I have only tried 2 so far but the pineapple coconut is very good.
I am really hope this will help me nix my soda habit. And in return also help with my water intake. I am still working on that habit.
I am curious as to what other people drink during the day, besides water of course.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Good Form Running
Yesterday afternoon I attended a Good Form Running Clinic. They taught us 4 key points to good form while running.
1. Posture
2. Mid-Foot
3. Cadence
4. Leaning
One of the cool things about this clinic was they video taped you running and then analysed your form. Sometimes you can't tell your running wrong unless you see it from another point of view. I have to admit I was really nervous about the play back because I was thinking I am probably the least experienced runner here and the owner mentioned she saw one toe runner and I was thinking oh boy watch me be the one. Turns out almost everyone was a heel runner and needed some type of work. My shot turned out to be not so bad. My foot was almost parallel to the ground which allows that mid-foot land.
The trainer suggested you focus on one thing at a time in hopes of eventually mastering them all. Cadence caught my attention. I have heard of this in another term in spinning but not with running. Cadence is the amount of times your feet hit the ground in one minute. Good form running teaches that in order to be most efficient at running and preventing injury you should run at a 180 cadence. We practiced this outside with some metronomes. Currently my cadence starting out is about 160. But as I get tired it drops quickly. I can only imagine how cumbersome it would be to focus on cadence during an entire run, so to avoid that I will probably focus once or twice during each run on cadence, maybe at the beginning and the end. This will allow me to see where I am at and my progress.
Turns out you can actually find songs to match your desired cadence. The website below allows you to search for songs. I thought this was pretty cool so I had to share.
I am not going to give away all the details however if you are interested in taking the class it is free at Track Shack.
1. Posture
2. Mid-Foot
3. Cadence
4. Leaning
One of the cool things about this clinic was they video taped you running and then analysed your form. Sometimes you can't tell your running wrong unless you see it from another point of view. I have to admit I was really nervous about the play back because I was thinking I am probably the least experienced runner here and the owner mentioned she saw one toe runner and I was thinking oh boy watch me be the one. Turns out almost everyone was a heel runner and needed some type of work. My shot turned out to be not so bad. My foot was almost parallel to the ground which allows that mid-foot land.
The trainer suggested you focus on one thing at a time in hopes of eventually mastering them all. Cadence caught my attention. I have heard of this in another term in spinning but not with running. Cadence is the amount of times your feet hit the ground in one minute. Good form running teaches that in order to be most efficient at running and preventing injury you should run at a 180 cadence. We practiced this outside with some metronomes. Currently my cadence starting out is about 160. But as I get tired it drops quickly. I can only imagine how cumbersome it would be to focus on cadence during an entire run, so to avoid that I will probably focus once or twice during each run on cadence, maybe at the beginning and the end. This will allow me to see where I am at and my progress.
Turns out you can actually find songs to match your desired cadence. The website below allows you to search for songs. I thought this was pretty cool so I had to share.
I am not going to give away all the details however if you are interested in taking the class it is free at Track Shack.
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Saturday, August 10, 2013
What is your most important running accessory?
Yesterday I ran Week 4 Day 3 again. It was much better than Monday. Maybe I was having an off day Monday but I am glad I re did the week. I feel confident to go on to week 5 now. Also, I thought of a way to keep each run interesting. On Wednesday my pace was 15:49. First I made a goal to get down to a 15:00 pace. Now after my run I realized that will take some time. My pace on Friday was 15:46. So I gained 3 seconds. So I changed my goal a bit. Every run I am going to try bet my previous pace. I am actually looking forward the seeing those numbers go down.
What is your most important running accessory? Shoes and sports bras don't count!
Anyhow, back to the topic. This past week I had a little extra money. I decided I was going to use it on some type of running accessory. I had 3 ideas in mind. 1. Something to hold my phone. 2. Some type of container for water and 3. A towel I do not have to hold.
1. Something to hold my phone - I have an arm band for my iPhone but I do not use it. My phone case is too big so every time I want to use it I have to take the case off. And it is not super easy to take on and off. Also, even if I do that, the arm band is not comfortable.
2. Some type of container for water - I have been looking at different options for this. I really want a camelbak backpack but I think that would be silly for my 3 mile neighborhood runs. I have also looked into that belt with the water bottles but the idea of having 2 or more bottles bouncing around my waist doesn't sound pleasant. And also a little silly for neighborhood runs.
3. A towel I do not have to hold - it is hot in Florida! Even at 7 in the morning. I do not like running and having nothing to wipe my face off. However I do not wam too run around with a towel in my hand.
I needed to choose one. I have a temporary solution for my phone. And I am still unsure about the water deal so, the Towel it was. Drumroll please..... I decided to go with a Swowel. I know, you may have no idea what that is. It is a towel, wash cloth size, connected to a belt, that you can buckle around your waist. This allows one to carry the towel hands free. And easily buckle and unbuckle while running. It comes in 9 colors and is not a bad price. Here is picture of mine.
Even cooler, that grey strip you see is a reflective strip for running in the dark. (Never alone I hope)
It It comes in this mess bag that you use to keep it protected in the washing machine.
So far I have used the Swowel twice. And the one time I forgot to put it on I regretted it. I am happy with my choice! Best of all, it is a family company. Who doesn't want to support one of those. Here is the website it you are interested. http://www.swowel.com/index.html
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Week 4 x 2...?
Isn't that the truth!!! Despite my lack of posts I have been trying to get back into gear this week. On Monday morning I went out to finish week 4. It was awful! I do not know what was wrong with me but it was my worst run yet. Half my intervals I could not complete and a few I skipped all together. It was definitely a disappointment. But then I remember something a fellow blogger told me. P.S. She has a great blog. You can find her at http://seejenroerun.blogspot.com/. Anyhow she told that I need to go at my own pace. She mentioned a friend of hers, who also has a great blog http://www.carlyshrinks.com, had to do week one of from couch to 5K for three and a half weeks before moving on to week 2. So in light of that, and my tough run, I decided I should repeat week 4 this week. I ran again this morning. It was a lot better. I made it through my intervals and even got my pace average down a few seconds. I am going to run the last day of week 4 again on Friday and then hopefully continue with week 5 on Monday. Week 5 goes up to running 1:25 and lowering the walking breaks to 3:35.
One other thing she said, "I think it's better to be slow and steady and see small but meaningful progress. Going from running for 30 secs. to a whole minute within 3 weeks is significant! It's double!" Good point!
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Don't tell anyone but I have missed you
Wow, its been a whole week since I have ran. I actually miss it. The weeks before I was so busy with boot camp the only running I was doing was sprints. But don't worry I paid for it this morning! I wanted to participate in a Summer Virtual 5k. Today was the last day to do it. I know, procrastinator. I mapped out 3.1 miles around my neighborhood and went out this morning. For the first mile and a half my legs were itching so bad they hurt. I wanted to just call it quits and head home but I kept going. By mile two the itching was completely gone. I used my training for this 5k. Here was today's schedule:
Walk 3:40 minutes
Run 1:10 seconds
Repeat 9 times
Due to time I used the first and last 3:40 as my warm up. By interval 8 I felt nauseous. That will teach me to not do anything physical for a week! I finished in 48:32 minutes I was a little disappointed with the time. My first 5k was a few minutes better than that. I think I do better in races and running groups because I have more pressure to keep up.
Even with the itching and the nausea I still felt really good afterwards. Morning time is definitely winning the battle. Here are my before and after pics. Can you tell I worked hard?
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Day...? Still going!
I lost track of my days. I finished boot camp yesterday. A total of 8 sessions for me. There was a ton of squats, burpees and sprints. Plus some other cool exercises. Overall it was pretty fun. I'm bummed to be done but excited to get back on my running schedule.
I left off at the end of week 3. I picked that up last night. I met up with a Moms Running Group, East Orlando, Moms Run This Town. I almost called in sick but thanks to my friend Kayla I got my butt up and out after work. These women are great. We started off running around Lake Baldwin. There were all different paces. Then we went to a Mexican Restaurant for food and cocktails. I stuck with water :) I am looking forward to doing more runs with these ladies!
I was hoping the boot camp would suffice so I did not lose any progress. Last night the running intervals felt pretty hard but my pace was faster than before. So the boot camp must have helped in some way. Next week I will pick up with my 3 days a week schedule. Week 4!
I left off at the end of week 3. I picked that up last night. I met up with a Moms Running Group, East Orlando, Moms Run This Town. I almost called in sick but thanks to my friend Kayla I got my butt up and out after work. These women are great. We started off running around Lake Baldwin. There were all different paces. Then we went to a Mexican Restaurant for food and cocktails. I stuck with water :) I am looking forward to doing more runs with these ladies!
I was hoping the boot camp would suffice so I did not lose any progress. Last night the running intervals felt pretty hard but my pace was faster than before. So the boot camp must have helped in some way. Next week I will pick up with my 3 days a week schedule. Week 4!
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Day 23 - Joggermom Marathon
How cool is this! "The Virtual Joggermom Cancer Run…it’s not just a 26.2 mile race, it is an adventure! How fun will this be to run and compete with other Moms all over the US virtually?!? We will be signing up Moms from July 15th thru October 15th to participate in our Virtual Joggermom Cancer Run. On October 1st the race begins. Participating Moms can start recording mileage until they complete a total of 26.2 miles by October 31st."
The cost is $11.54 until August 15, 2013. 10% of your entry will go to the National Breast Cancer Foundation. Here is what you get with your entry:
- Weekly newsletters about popular running topics
- Discounts from our sponsors
- Weekly play list to keep you moving
- Great place to hang out with like minded Mom’s
- Real medals (no more virtual ones this time) to all finishers
- $10 Credit to buy any item(s) at Joggermom.com
- Weekly T-shirt & bag giveaways (register early for best chances of winning)
- The prizes, the prizes, the prizes….
A marathon is not on my list of goals but how about a marathon over the course of a month... I can do that. I just signed up! Who is interested? http://marathon.joggermom.com/ Here is a picture of the medal.
P.S. You do not have to be a mom :)
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Day 21 - Hiking on Occoneechee Mountain
Okay so I did not have an opportunity to run this weekend. I will have pick up where I left off next week. However, I did get to go on an awesome hike up Occoneechee Mountain. All together it was a little over two miles. We did it in an hour and 47 minutes which isn't bad considering we had a two year old in tow. Trust me, I got my workout. Here is some pictures from the hike.