
Monday, September 23, 2013

A big accomplishment... For me!

I have something exciting to share. I ran my first 5 minute interval outside.  It doesn't sound like much but for me it was amazing.  And here's the funny part.  What kept me going was the fact that I could write about it on this blog.  I've only ran 5 mins one other time and it was a few years ago on a treadmill.   Thank you to Tiffany and Kayla for running it with me! 

A few months ago I joined a running group for moms.  Best group of ladies ever.  A few weeks ago the group created a beginner runners group.  We call it the "Dream Team". Perfect for me, must be fate.  Anyway, I have been trying to get out with them more.  They are using the couch to 5k program. It's different from my program but once you get into the higher weeks the difference is minimal.   I'm not going to lie, the 5 minutes was tough.  But when your running next to someone that is in the same boat it sure does help.


On another note, It's been a rough few weeks.  But I am ready to jump back into things.  Two things I've learned over the last few weeks.  1. I have got to scheduled my runs, in writing and 2. Three days a week probably isn't enough, for me. 

I have so much more to share with you guys, stay tuned!


  1. Great job!! I ran on a treadmill for 5 minutes once before I got married (a year and a half ago) and then a few weeks ago while we were going through the Couch to 5k program. But, it was KILLER! Not to mention running on a treadmill is way easier than running outside! I definitely enjoy running outside more, though. Keep up the great work!

    1. That's great! How far are you on the program? A friend of mine and I decided to repeat week 4 till we feel more comfortable. Week 5 has 20 mins of running!
