
Saturday, August 10, 2013

What is your most important running accessory?

Yesterday I ran Week 4 Day 3 again.  It was much better than Monday.  Maybe I was having an off day Monday but I am glad I re did the week.  I feel confident to go on to week 5 now.  Also, I thought of a way to keep each run interesting.  On Wednesday my pace was 15:49. First I made a goal to get down to a 15:00 pace.  Now after my run I realized that will take some time. My pace on Friday was 15:46. So I gained 3 seconds.  So I changed my goal a bit.  Every run I am going to try bet my previous pace.  I am actually looking forward the seeing those numbers go down.

Anyhow, back to the topic.  This past week I had a little extra money.  I decided I was going to use it on some type of running accessory.  I had 3 ideas in mind. 1. Something to hold my phone. 2. Some type of container for water and 3. A towel I do not have to hold. 

1. Something to hold my phone - I have an arm band for my iPhone but I do not use it.  My phone case is too big so every time I want to use it I have to take the case off.  And it is not super easy to take on and off. Also, even if I do that, the arm band is not comfortable.

2.  Some type of container for water - I have been looking at different options for this.  I really want a camelbak backpack but I think that would be silly for my 3 mile neighborhood runs.  I have also looked into that belt with the water bottles but the idea of having 2 or more bottles bouncing around my waist doesn't sound pleasant.  And also a little silly for neighborhood runs.  

3.  A towel I do not have to hold - it is hot in Florida!  Even at 7 in the morning.  I do not like running and having nothing to wipe my face off.   However I do not wam too run around with a towel in my hand.

I needed to choose one.  I have a temporary solution for my phone.  And I am still unsure about the water deal so, the Towel it was.  Drumroll please..... I decided to go with a Swowel.  I know, you may have no idea what that is.  It is a towel, wash cloth size, connected to a belt, that you can buckle around your waist.  This allows one to carry the towel hands free.  And easily buckle and unbuckle while running.  It comes in 9 colors and is not a bad price. Here is picture of mine.


Even cooler, that grey strip you see is a reflective strip for running in the dark. (Never alone I hope) 


It It comes in this mess bag that you use to keep it protected in the washing machine. 


So far I have used the Swowel twice.  And the one time I forgot to put it on I regretted it.  I am happy with my choice! Best of all, it is a family company.  Who doesn't want to support one of those.  Here is the website it you are interested.

   What is your most important running accessory? Shoes and sports bras don't count! 

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