
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Day 6 - Barely

One of those morning workout reasons was to avoid the day getting away from you. I woke up this morning knowing I should take my walk but the time just wasn't there. We took the kids to a fishing clinic today.  It was a lot of fun.  Afterwards I found myself home alone with them so there was no opportunity to walk then.  And then we went out with friends to a comedy club.  That was fun too. 

As short as it was, I manage to get a walk in.  If I can call it that.  I insisted Jonathan walk with me tonight. Even though I did a lot more physically then normal today I wanted to put my walk on the books.  So, when a friend was dropping us off tonight, I again insisted she drop us off at the front of the neighborhood so we could walk home from there.  She reluctantly did.  Thanks Lois :) 

One more day of walking.  Monday starts the running.

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