
Friday, June 28, 2013

Day 5 - Afternoon Walk

I walked around Lake Eola this afternoon.  I get off at 3pm on Fridays so I headed over to the park.  The only problem was I was sooo unprepared!  One of the articles I read the other day had tips to bust excuses.  One of those tips was keep a spare pair of headphones.  Now I know, that's a good tip.    I forgot my headphones at home this morning. So, I found a pair of headphones in my bosses drawer.  I decided I would borrow those.  Too bad they were half broken.  I tossed them in the garbage half way through my last lap. No biggie. Something else I learned.  It's a good idea to charge your phone before going out. GPS and music use a lot of battery.

It wasn't all bad tho.  I saw a couple talking in sign language, another couple playing UNO, and the funniest swan ever.  Some of the swans were fishing.  They would stick their heads under the water to catch a fish but keep their body a float as graceful as ever.  But this one swan must have saw a fish he really wanted because he was so far down his feet and butt were wiggling in the air. Watching him made my day.

One of my goals is to run around Lake Eola without stopping.  One lap around the lake is approximately .88 of a mile.   I think thats a good starter goal.  Definitely doable.  

Before my phone died, I took some pictures of the park.


  1. I wish you didn't go so early, I'd come with you

  2. What time do you usually leave on Fridays?
