
About Me

My name is Patricia, Trisha for short. I am a 27 year old mother of two. I had my kids close together, at the young age of 19. For the majority of their life I have been a single mother. My life revolves around them, as with any mother. The majority of my “extra curriculars” are kid related. Last year I was diagnosis with major Depression. It was nothing shocking to me as I knew all along I was going through something bigger than myself. Since then I have been getting help and am slowly starting to feel normal. As my kids get older, and become more independent, I came to the conclusion that it is time to do something for myself.

I was the kid in school that could not run around the track once. I played softball for a short time in high school. The field we used was about a mile from school. Our warm up was running to field. I was always the last person to get there. So, on paper, one would think, why on earth does this girl want to run. I myself cannot seem to answer that question. But what I do know is there is that passion inside of me that wants to be a runner.

A few years ago I bought a treadmill and started walking/running. I made it up to a five minute run. But then... for some reason I stopped trying. The kids started school and work got insanely busy. I would come home from work after picking the kids up and do the bare minimum before dragging myself to my bedroom.

These last few months I have had more help with raising my children. Which in return means more time for me. One would think there is my answer. That is when I can make it happen. Well, the opposite happened. I let go of everything. I didn’t go to the gym, I didn’t eat well. I stopped planning my life all together. Now, 6 months later, I am at my heaviest ever, nearing 200 lbs. Every day I dread putting on work clothes because they are too tight. I refuse to buy bigger clothes. Something has to be done. It is time to get serious with my goals. And the way I want to make it happen, is with running. I am a strong person, I know it. I started and finished college while raising two children. If I put my mind to something, I don’t stop until its accomplished.

So, I am starting this blog, for a few reasons. 1. I need the accountability of my friends and family. 2. I need a hobby that is not directly related to my kids. And 3. I want to document my journey for others who dream to do the same. If I can become a runner, anyone can.


  1. Well this a short welcome. Im proud of you pursuing a healthier and productive future. Im inspired by you because throughout everything you havent given up on your personal goals. I hope this is motivating when you read this. Good luck and im in your corner.

  2. Awww you're so precious! I just love you! I know you can do it. I've always hated the gym. When I started running, I realized I loved being outdoors much better. I felt one with nature and that in itself motivated me, as cheesy as it may sound.
