Tuesday, November 26, 2013

What type of runner are you?

Starting week 9 again.  The schedule is run 3 minutes, walk 3 minutes. I was able to run with my friend Monica yesterday. I have forgotten how much it helps to have someone to run with.  I am now able to run half of the path around Lake Eola.  God willing in a few weeks I will be running the whole lake.

I ran across this article this morning, "Running Benefits: Running for Weight Loss".  One section in particular caught my interest.

Those who run in an almost trance-like manner, switching off, putting their troubles and the daily grind behind them (when else can you do that?). They simply place one foot in front the other and shut everything else out, simply feeling the rhythm of their movements. Then, there are those who see things clearer, chew over and solve problems, achieve clarity and transparency and find motivation in events of their life to run faster, harder, stronger. You won’t know what type of runner you are until you start running. Whichever group you fall into, you will finish with a feeling of liberation, catharsis and accomplishment. While it doesn’t happen after the first run, by the second or third week you’ll get of taste of it."

I think I am the second type - the one who cogitates over life's problems.  What type of runner are you?


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